Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Sunday Sep 12, 2010

    It sure feels like fall all of a sudden. Nightime temperatures in the valley have been as low as nine degrees celsius. This time of the year we all should be dreaming about squash, cabbage, leeks, and all the other great things that late summer offer.
    We are beginning to seed the late fall and winter greens in the cold frames now. Vegetables like spinach, corn salad, sylvetta arugula, and several Asian greens will be planted over the next few weeks inside. These plants can tolerate significant cold and are therefore planted in unheated hoophouses for late fall and winter consumption.
    The harvest of apples and many types of vegetables continues every day. It is sometimes difficult to get storage crops like winter squash picked and stored when we also have to pick everything each week for the markets and the CSA boxes. Only twenty-some more years till retirement.
    In your boxes this week there should be peaches(the end), apples, leeks, broccoli, nappa cabbage, tomatoes, parsley, peppers, and lots more. Hope you enjoy it. 

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