Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Tuesday Jul 3, 2018

     The heat the last couple of days has been extreme. We continue to work each day but I think that we are working a little slower as the heat and humidity increase. We are now into pea picking as well as lots of zucchini. I have another large planting of mixed greens and radishes and turnips coming on this week as well. Tonight I brought the first small picking of green beans into the house to eat. We should have enough to start selling them within the week. Overall things are starting to look a bit better. 
     The extreme frost that we had in early June has taken its toll on a lot of crops. We have replanted thousands of transplants that were killed by the frost. It was minus 2 C at our house the night of June 3rd but it dropped to below minus 4.5 C in the lowest vegetable field. We had many plants protected with floating row covers but even some of these were damaged. It is still hard to know the extent of the damage especially in the fruit crops. Some apples have dropped from the trees because of the frost and many apples are disfigured. I guess I will know more in another month. We have never experienced a June freeze like this so we do not really know how much damage there is and how much will show up later.
     Enjoy the unsprayed strawberries while they last.  The other berries and cherries and plums are just around the corner.
     Because of the extreme heat we are delivering the Halifax CSA boxes a bit later. Melannie plans to be open at the grainery from 2:30 until 6:30 as usual but she told me that she is concerned about the heat. Hopefully the weather cools down soon.

     Have a good week.

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