Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Monday Oct 30, 2017

     The wind and rain are making it a bit difficult to pick vegetables outside because they keep blowing away. We decided to pick baby spinach in the coldframe instead of persisting with outside harvesting. It was much more enjoyable in the unheated coldframe. The spinach will be in the CSA boxes on Wednesday. This is the same spinach planting that we will harvest throughout the late fall. We also have arugula, kales, different Asian greens, swiss chard, mache, and some mustard greens inside that we will start harvesting fairly soon and continue through the winter. The quality looks really good but the weather has been great this season.
     We are in full harvest mode for fall now. Most of the apples are picked and in storage. We will finish picking the apples tomorrow or Wednesday. Most of the winter radishes are picked as well as most kohlrabi and beets. We still have nappa, cabbages, carrots, leeks, turnips, salsify, celeriac, parsnips, parsley root, and a few others to harvest and store. We are still picking lots of fresh greens (and a few beans) as well each week. 
Have a good week.

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