Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Sunday Jul 16, 2017

     Crops are looking really good right now. We have had great growing conditions for many types of vegetables. The sweet cherries are starting now with lots more still to pick. If we do not keep them picked as they ripen they are quickly devoured by the birds. Racoons have also been a problem in past years but not this year so far. Expect cherries in the boxes likely this week or next.
     Our first string bean planting is ready and beans will be picked on Tuesday to pack in the boxes as well. They were started in early May under row covers and they look good. I ate a couple cherry tomatoes today which is a first for this season. I would expect a few tomatoes, eggplants, and okra to show up in a couple weeks from now. My watermelon/honeydew/cantaloupe/tropical melon/charentais crop looks so amazing that I can hardly believe it. Unless some disaster befalls them I would expect lots of different melons in just over a month from now.
I'm going to bed because it is very late. After 9 pm late.
Have a good week.

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