Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Tuesday Apr 11, 2017

     This weather is a nice change from what we have been experiencing. It was about 20 degrees today and sunny. We have some soil ready for planting tomorrow so the first field crops will be planted this week. I expect tp plant lots of greens, carrots, beet greens, pac choi, summer turnips, radishes, and some types of peas amd snap peas. Everything will be covered with floating row covers to protect from cold and insects and to accelerate the growth. This first planting date is about five days later than my average but within what I would call a normal spring.
     There will be a couple of overwintered root vegetables in the boxes this week. We dug some parsnips and salsify yesterday. Overwintered parsnips are very sweet and taste great when tossed in a bit of oil and salt and oven roasted. 
     Salsify is a black coloured root that was very popular in Europe about a hundred years ago. It is sometimes called vegetable oyster. We peel the roots and boil them until soft. Sometimes I roll the cooked roots in a bit of garlic butter. Sometimes I bake the cooked roots in a white sauce in the oven sprinkled with nutmeg. You can also just oven roast them or toss them in soup. I really like the taste of salsify but I admit it is not well known and less then attractive to look at. It makes the CSA boxes about once every two or three years. I hope you like it.
     I need to make some supper. Have a good week.

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