Hutten Family Farm
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Hutten Family Farm Newsletter for Saturday June 20, 2010

    It's been a great growing week and many new vegetables are coming up.  This past week we had snow, snap, and shell peas, bunched golden beets, chiogga beets and baby carrots.  We had our first meal with new baby zucchini and there soon should be some for the boxes and markets.  We did not have any unsprayed strawberries this season unfortunately, but we did buy conventional berries from a few local growers.  We do have our own unsprayed raspberries and blueberries so we should have more luck with these when they are ready.  We also grow several types of currants as well as gooseberries, sweet and sour cherries and peaches.
      This week on the farm we will be removing row covers off of several crops so we can hand weed them.  We have hired two community teenagers to help with this.  The row cover is used to protect some crops from insect damage. It also increases temperature for heat loving crops.  This method of insect protection is very effective but requires alot of time.
      People continue to sign up for CSA shares, which is great.  A few market customers have noticed that one of the benefits of getting a box of vegetables is they actually get to have the more desirable items that are often gone from our tables by mid- morning. We are debating developing a second drop-off  in Halifax in the south end.  This will depend on how many people sign up in this area.  We expect to soon be at membership capacity in our CSA as shares are selling quickly!

This week we hope to have in the standard boxes
  • shell peas
  • snow peas
  • baby carrots
  • leaf lettuce
  • green onions
  • zucchini
  • apples
  • pak choi
Happy Fathers Day ( if applicable!) P.S. Ted got candy and t-shirts

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